You will see a lot of Forex scalping systems advertised and they all claim they can make big gains but which do and which don't? Check a simple point and we can reveal the answer...

Check this key point before you consider buying any Forex day trading or scalping system.

Look at the track record and see if it has the words "hypothetical", "back tested" or "simulated" written on it and immediately discount it, as its not been traded for real and has been done on past data knowing the closing prices and thats easy so pass it by and guess what?

You're probably thinking well, all I need to do is look for one with a proven real time track record. Of course this is true - but get ready for a long and fruitless search.

You won't find one with a real time track record over the longer term (say 2 years) I have been looking for 25 years and not found one, so let me know if you do.

The reason of course why you won't find one is simple - in today's world of instant communications and volatile price action, you have random volatility in a day and you cannot predict the price in a few hours or minutes and to think anyone can you would have to be able to work out the following:

What millions upon millions of traders, who all use trading different methods, who all have different skills and most are influenced by their emotions, are going to do in a short space of time and the task is impossible.

That's why you never see a real time track record on any system sold online.

If You Want to Win

Trade time periods where you can get the odds on your side and that means long term trend following or swing trading.

Both methods have their merits and both can make you money as you have a long enough time period to calculate the odds so focus on these two methods and pass by Forex scalping systems with their simulated track records - simulations will not turn into real profits.


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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sonia_Kristina



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