Well if you do, you're in for a reality check and a loss of money. The reason is obvious and it's enclosed. If you want to know why your odds on to lose with these systems read this article...

The vast majority of Forex robots claim you will make a consistent income with no experience for paying $100.00. of course if this was true and they worked, the vendor wouldn't need to sell it so cheaply they could sell it for millions of dollars, not $100. In addition the whole world would be trading for a living and not working because for $100 you can get an income for life - but this has not happened. Why?

Because the track records these robots present are not real gains at all, they have never actually made any real profits - the track records are back tests and that doesn't mean you will make the same money in real time.

So what's a back test?

Well it means you get all the closing prices buy and sell where you wish (knowing where the prices settled) and make some profits. Now you can do this and so can my seven year old cousin - but does this mean that going forward, the track record will repeat. Try it and see and get ready for a wipe out of equity.

The problem today is people think that Forex trading is a walk in the park and easy. They believe the slick advertising copy, telling them they can make money with no effort and get an automatic income; this is of course fantasy, not reality.

They don't think to ask the obvious question - if an automated Forex trading system makes countless thousands in profit per annum - why is it so cheap? The vendor could shut up and make himself rich or take it to a major institution and sell it, for countless millions - but they don't. Instead they fin naive or greedy traders online who believe the hype instead.

Check any of the heavily advertised robots online and the track records, are aways just paper simulations and paper dollars can't be spent and are of no use - its real cool, hard crisp dollars made in the market that are important and the hyped robots haven't made them.

If you want to win at Forex trading forget the hype and the easy profits and get a sound Forex education and win.


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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sonia_Kristina



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